
Personal data

Born in Milan. Speaks Italian, English, French.
Expert as Web Content Manager and Webmaster

mobile: (0039) 349 4033134

Professional Experience

· Written and photographic contributions since age 15 with weekly magazine “Ciao Amici”, then “Ciao Big” and “Ciao 2001”. Mostly interviews to pop groups (Thane Russell, John Mayall, etc.). From ’74 to ’76 she works at “Press Studio”, agency directed by Mario Oriani. From ’76 to ’78 she contributes to “Harper’s Bazaar” with a regular column called Mixage, with news from the world, culture and art notes. Then writes on “Cosmopolitan” about modern women and news from the world.
· From ’79 onward, she contributes to several magazines as “Il Mondo dei Gioielli” and “Linea Italiana”, mainly with articles about art shows. Her photographs are on daily newspaper “La Repubblica” and “Il Giorno”.
· Photographs shot during theater shows and travels are exhibited at ‘Galleria Il Diaframma’ in Milan, and at ‘Expo Art’ in Bari. Permanent exhibitions are in Siena and at ‘Photography Museum’ of Bergamo.
· Contributes to Sunday editions of “Il Sole 24 Ore” daily newspaper in 1985-86 and to weekly magazine ”Panorama”, with photos and articles on art and theater. Due to her strong commitment with arts and culture, she receives a special thanks from Cooper-Hewitt Museum.
· From 1988, weekly “Donna Moderna”, “Bella” and “Epoca” publish her interviews, as do monthly “Elle”, “Gran Milàn”, “Medical Top”, among mostly read magazines; "La Repubblica" and "Italia Oggi" as newspapers. In 1996 “Famiglia Cristiana” publishes her scoop reportages and photographs, created together with Paolo Sparatore. From ’97 to ’99, she is regular theater colomnist of daily newspaper “La Notte”. In ’98, she works for daily economic paper “Borsa&Finanza”, again together with Paolo Sparatore

· She translates a book from Spanish, “Negli occhi dello sciamano” by Hernàn Mamani Huarache, published in 1998 by PIEMME Editore (see web page Piemme).
· From Dec. 2000 she writes for International Herald Tribune’s “Italy Daily”.
In 2001 she works on line for “”.
· In 2002 she contributes with daily newspaper “La Stampa”; in 2003 for monthly magazines "Class" and "URBAN". She puts online her website in 2004 about natural medicine. In 2004 and 2005 she works for “La Pulce nell’Orecchio” and, from Jan. 2006, she is Editor of the daily web site until May 2008.
· She launches as her personal online portfolio and curriculum in 2006. Soon after, she creates a web site for a very special Italian singer and personal friend, Grazia De Marchi and follows it as web content manager.

· In 2006-2007 she interviews artistic personalities working in theaters for daily newspaper ePolisMilano. At the same time she starts writing for daily websites called www.Teatro.Org with satellite www.allaRadio.Org and www.alCinema.Org

· In 2010 she studies Social Networks and Video, since 2011 she contributes with Mosaico writing about art, books, music and theatre


· After 8th grade at Italian Sally Meyer School of Milan, High School, at the American Community School of Milan.
· She enters Italian Journalist Register on Feb.2, 1979 (Ordine dei Giornalisti n° 62903).

· Master in Biological Medicine at the European Campus of the International Southern University, U.S.A., in Lugano, Switzerland, (Dec. 30, 1990).
· Qualified Expert in Natural Medicine (Register n°8, Oct.18, 1997) after 3 years of Post University Courses at Università degli Studi, Milan, thanks to aknowledgement by the Italian Department for Education and Skills as having an ‘extra-EEC Degree’.

· She enters the European Practitioner Register (Register n°E/IO067, Jan. 2001) created by the British Complementary Medicine Association. Three more years of Post University Courses qualify her as Expert in Acupuncture at Università degli Studi, Milan (Register n°6, 15-12-2001).
· She attends a three months, full time course on Communication and Multimedia at IFG, the School of Journalism created in Milan by the Official Register of Journalists. In 2002, 2003 and 2004, she attends full time classes in Webmaster, Web Content Manager and Web Designer, organized by Regione Lombardia with final exams and regional degrees.
· In 2006 she turns member of MediaCare Association and, in 2006-07, attends a course on Social Communication. Here they teach all methods for sharing with social subjects using theories and techniques used by media in so-called Third Sector, with the contribution of Fondazione Clerici, Associazione Lombarda dei Giornalisti and Provincia di Milano.